Game Design – Week 11 – Updating Workflow – Mind Like Water

“Have a mind like water.”

― David Allen,  GTD


  • I have played video games, started to learn javascript and am trying to catch up on schoolwork. I have also had a mental breakdown as well has a hugging session.


Construct 3 / PlayCanvas – Javascript


Screenshot from
  • I have learned that whether you are a beginner or have knowledge, that construct 3 lets you learn to make games in multiple ways, their own block building for games is easy and simple for people that are just beginning and as you progress you can slowly switch over to coding with javascript. Not to mention they have multiple premiums that you can get, one for individual, one for corporation, and one for education each one giving you benefits for the topic you choose. Not to mention that I learned that it was used to make games that I have seen like ‘There Is No Game’.


Screenshot from


Image from
  • The infographic was really informative and I think and feel like I am having deficiency issues with all of them. I would really like to exercise regularly but I don’t care for calisthenics and prefer weight training, I am currently working with my parents to get a pair of 25 lbs dumbbells to help me start. I listen to music a lot already so I’ll continue to do that. I have been wanting to change how I eat and what I eat at what time for a while so I’ll be looking into that. I guess I could try taking a cold shower some time. I have been at home for the most part since covid hit so I haven’t really seen the sun that much could change that by going on a walk every now and again if it is safe to do so. I am keeping in contact with friends and family and my birthday is coming up soon so that will help with socializing. I like spicy food so I might eat a little bit more along with some dark chocolate every now and again. I can also looking into how to meditate effectively so that I can get the most out of that, I’ll also try to let my emotions out more see if that helps.


Screenshot from Construct Begginer’s Guide
  • A very simple 2d side scroller, with gaps and a circle jumping over them. When the circle goes out of the layout it will reset and you can keep going.


  • I learned a little more about javascript, I started learning HTML a little back in middle school and haven’t kept up with it. And I have thought of some ways to solve my lack of motivation, my sadness, and other things as well and will work on it.

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