Game Design – Week 14 – Intro to Analysis

“Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet.”

Hedy Lamarr


  • I took this week to work with my family and find new ways to help increase my productivity in school, while also working on a things for school.


  • I have played CyberPunk 2077, Destiny 2, and a few simple idle phone games.


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  • I know for myself I haven’t been paying to much attention to my self-care and mental health because I have been so focused on trying to graduate in this hectic year. I have, since the beginning, been getting better about it but it won’t go away no matter what I feel pressured to do well and to pass my classes to complete missing or late work. And this pressure isn’t always from other people, it’s also the ingrained reaction in my brain, that if I don’t do well in school and mess up in school I won’t be able to make it in the “real world”, but I am trying my best, to be strong, to not break, and to build myself back up if I do break. And I do have people to talk with but I always feel like I would be bothering them and getting in their way if I brought up all my worries and problems so I keep them to myself, it’s not that I don’t trust them, I do ask for help when I really need it, but I also feel that it’s best to try and work on stuff myself before I decide to rely on others.


  • I decided to play CyberPunk 2077 for this analysis.


  • I have learned that one problem I have for completing work is the amount of screen time I have each day as increased a lot since last school year, so I have been burning myself out faster than normal. I have found a way to somewhat solve this problem from talking with my family, we plan to get me some blue light filtering glasses to allow me to work longer before I get headaches and eye pains.

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